Wednesday, November 17, 2010

#23 Assigned 11/11

Pay Ranges for Target Professions:

English Teacher, FBISD (my home district): Base pay $44,500 (usually increases about $900 every school year one stays at the same school) + BENEFITS

English Professor/Post-secondary: $50-96,000 in Texas

Magazine Publisher: Base Pay $61,455

Human Resources: $53,000

Personal Financial Assessment: Teaching at the high school level seems to be the most steady job with the most steady pay increase and best benefits. Texas seems like the best place to live with the biggest difference between income and cost-of-living. I can't believe my home district (the one I grew up in) starts off paying their teachers that much. WOW!

I must thank my parents for paying for all of my college so far. It has truly been a blessing. What are my plans for staying out of debt? I believe entitlement is a definite struggle that I must master throughout my life; the desire for material possessions (worse: the thought that I deserve whatever I desire) must be monitored. Do I deal with entitlement? I mean, I just told you my parents paid for my college-Exhibit A.

How do I plan to monitor my money-spending?
-Keep "buying on a whim" to a minimum
-Never purchase something I cannot pay for with a check/cash, being careful with the Credit Card
-ask advice from a close friend on big-purchase items
-read Dave Ramsey

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