Tuesday, November 9, 2010

#19 Assigned 11-2

Today we learned about the English Language. OR should I call it the Anglish language? Dr. Hurst traced the line of written communication back to cave paintings she dated back 30-50,000 years. Of course this language was not English.

Apparently the English language stems from Indo-European Languages. Modern Turkey bridged Southeast Asia and the Middle East and therefore Europe, becoming the birthplace for many common languages. Under the umbrella of Indo-European Languages rests subgroups: Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic, and so on. And English traces its origins back to the Germanic tongue.

After the Celts and Romans left modern day Britain, the Germanic Tribes moved in. Naturally the Germanic tongue evolved:

from Old English (450-1066 AD),

through Middle English (1066-1450 AD),

and into Modern English (1450-present).

Modern English will always evolve, changing with the times (Internet language is even creeping into the Oxford Dictionary). Crazy.


1 comment:

  1. Es un gran gusto el conjuntar información de primera mano para cerrar los conocimientos acerca de estos escritos medievales y sus impresionantes libros miniados...
