Friday, November 12, 2010

Assigned 11/16

I don't know what is more intimidating: MLA citation style or being corrected by Dr. Hurst during a presentation. That is really what I am worried about. Some throw fits over being forced to present in public, but I am sweating bullets over misrepresenting the revered APOSTROPHE ().

KC presented quotation marks. Bottom line, put quotation marks on the outside (most of the time).

Denice presented semi-colons, colons, dashes, and hypens. And I'm glad because I have always wondered about those...

Kit presented subject verb agreement. (But I really does not need help with that).

Lindsey very effortlessly displayed MLA citation style. (I gotta remember to double space, FO SHOW!!!)

And finally Holly entertained us through sentences, clauses, and phrases. According to my senior seminar professor, I definitely needed to take notes on this presentation.

Last thursday, gypsies came to our class, or at least this seemed the case. Senior Seminar was very entertaining, and we even learned valuable GRAMMAR lessons as well.

colton spoke on CAPITALIZATION (HAHA, I did not capitalize his name on purpose!!! Oh English Grammar Jokes!).

Jessica did not often confuse the often confused pronoun cases in her presntation.

Shannon's presentation followed closely behind the content of Kit's subject-verb agreement topic. She unpacked pronoun-anticedent agreement for us.

Andrea's presentation captivated the audience with her four-hour-prepared posters, and it's easy to see her future teaching skills surfacing already. She presented comparatives and superlatives.

Jospehine seemed comfortable after confessing the mistakes within her project. She described the differences and uses of who, whom, which, and that.

Chris uncovered parallelism and tense consistency...who knew grammar could be so much fun?

The presentations enlightened us not only to these topics, but our class's need to understand apostrophes and possesive forms. So I feel obligated to thank the class for setting up the importance of the subject of my language presentation: Apostrophes.

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