Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Assigned 10/26

Literature presentations came to a close this class period. And the first of these presentations was by Josephine Webb. Josephine presented Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. The presentation seemed very informational; Josephine clearly spent much time preparing it. The excerpt seem pretty extensive for a ten minute presentation, therefore the time allotted for discussion seemed short.

Afterwards, Colton rose up to represent Mark Twain. Hearing again about the same author (once before from Kit) highlighted what is of importance to different readers, concerning the author's life. There were similarities though. Both Kit and Colton revealed Twain's real name, his home of the Mississippi River and the pair of novels making him famous: Huck and Tom Sawyer. Colton gave a well-prepared and concise presentation.

Emily Bronte presented next...Wait, I mean Lindset Willis. I never knew Wuthering Heights was a gothic novel...It doesn't help that I have not read it. However, I have always assumed (due to the following and name) the novel is a romantic or classic novel, similar to one by Jane Austen. Using Gothic font for her Power Point added a unique touch.

Once she got the nerves out of the way, Lauren presented a very well organized presentation of The Grapes of Wrath. She really pushed the themes Steinbeck relied on throughout his story. Two of these that have stuck in my mind are the bank/money as something evil and the idea of fear of death.

KC's presentation of As I Lay Dying carried on the dark resonance Weathering Heights started. Miss Roberson made the similar connection I made between Faulkner, Hemingway, and Cormac McCarthy. I have never read this novel, however after hearing its plot, I might have to buy a copy.

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